Teledyne FLIR

TeledyneFLIRdesigns,develops,manufactures,markets,anddistributestechnologiesthatenhanceperceptionandawareness.,FLIRSystemsistheworldleaderinthermalimagingcameras.Ourproductsplaypivotalrolesinawiderangeofindustrial,commercialandgovernment ...,Find...。參考影片的文章的如下:


About Teledyne FLIR

Teledyne FLIR designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes technologies that enhance perception and awareness.

FLIR Commercial Systems

FLIR Systems is the world leader in thermal imaging cameras. Our products play pivotal roles in a wide range of industrial, commercial and government ...

Flir commercial systems - Sigma

Find flir commercial systems and related products for scientific research at Merck.

General Inquiries

FLIR Systems, Inc. 27700 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070. PH: +1 (503) 498-3547. Washington DC.

Industrial Cameras & Systems

Thermal handheld & fixed cameras, gas detection systems, and machine vision cameras for industrial applications.

MR160 Teledyne FLIR Commercial Systems | 測試與量測

供應中 今日訂購,今日出貨。Teledyne FLIR Commercial Systems 的MR160 – 紅外線攝影機、熱像儀測量用溫度(非接觸) 包括電池、纜線、外殼、充電器、鏡頭蓋、手冊、電源供應 ...

Teledyne FLIR

The company was founded as FLIR Systems in 1978 to pioneer the development of high-performance, low-cost infrared (thermal) imaging systems for airborne uses. Operations · Products · History · Mentionable use cases of...

Teledyne FLIR Commercial Systems Inc

FLIR Commercial Systems, Inc. manufactures thermal imaging photographic equipment and supplies. The Company offers surveillance, optical glass imaging, ...

Thermal Imaging, Night Vision and Infrared Camera Systems ...

FLIR is the world leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of thermal imaging infrared cameras.


【公司簡介】員工數:3000人。Teledyne FLIR designs, develops, manufactures, mar...。公司位於台北市內湖區。產業:其它軟體及網路相關業。應徵美商特勵達菲力爾股份 ...


TeledyneFLIRdesigns,develops,manufactures,markets,anddistributestechnologiesthatenhanceperceptionandawareness.,FLIRSystemsistheworldleaderinthermalimagingcameras.Ourproductsplaypivotalrolesinawiderangeofindustrial,commercialandgovernment ...,FindflircommercialsystemsandrelatedproductsforscientificresearchatMerck.,FLIRSystems,Inc.27700SWParkwayAve.Wilsonville,OR97070.PH:+1(503)498-3547.Washingt...